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Defending Orders Of Protection For Those Wrongly Accused

The Department of Social Services exists to protect people from abusive and unsafe living conditions. When used correctly, they keep parties away from abusive partners. Unfortunately, the system is not perfect, and people can be wrongly accused.

I am attorney Lisa M. Carver and at The Carver Law Firm, L.L.C., I represent clients throughout the Myrtle Beach area who need to defend themselves against orders of protection. If you have been falsely accused of abuse or the threat of abuse against another adult in South Carolina, contact me online or call at 843-502-0368 to schedule your initial consultation. I will listen to your story and offer straightforward advice and counsel as to how I can help you and what your options are.

Orders Of Protection Restrictions

If a man or woman goes to the Department of Social Services (DSS) and claims their spouse abused or threatened to abuse them, they may receive protection. If DSS takes the case, the nonaccused parent could receive full child custody and visitation rights to their children. The parent who is wrongly accused of the crime can be subjected to orders of protection, including but not limited to:

• A loss of parenting time

• Being prohibited from carrying a gun, even for work

• Restricted interactions with all children, including working as a bus driver or teacher

These restrictions make sense for someone who is guilty, but they are not appropriate for someone who has been wrongly accused.

Defending Orders Of Protection

Because I am an attorney who defends clients whom I truly believe have been wrongly accused, I am able to stand behind you, 100 percent of the time. By giving you the strong defense that you deserve, I have successfully handled all of my orders of protection cases.

Domestic violence is a serious issue for many families, but there are times when a party will bring false accusations of abuse to manipulate their way through the legal system. As a former prosecutor, I know how the system works and how it can seem to be stacked against the accused.

If you were wrongly accused of harassment, abuse or other threats of violence, contact me online or call 843-502-0368 locally or toll-free at 866-623-7040 to schedule time with me — an attorney who will fight for you and set the record straight.

Questions About Family Law?

8203 Nigels Drive
Suite 201
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572

Phone: 843-502-0368
Toll-Free: 866-623-7040
Fax: 843-213-1588

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